
Catch the Tail

A primitive playground game guaranteed to raise a chortle, Catch the Tail also works well at parties.
All players form a line with each holding the player in front's waist. The object of the game is for the head of the line to try and catch the tail - and the object for the tail is to escape. This necessarily, turns the players just behind the leader into his helpers and those near the tail player into his helpers. Players near the middle are in it just for the ride.
As soon as the leader catches the tail he becomes the new tail himself and the game continues.
A top game for at least six players.

If there are many people wanting to play then form two equal lines of players - each line has to catch the other line's tail man.

Weird Web:Video of a stripey cat chasing it's tail
strange games no:34...category: playground games STUPID GAMES


  1. All players form a line with each holding the player in front's waist.

    I can see this game being much more interesting ...

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