
Table Hockey

An energetic and fun game for a rainy day. Table hockey requires an old smooth table that doesn't mind if it gets a scratch or two, a supply of teaspoons (not Mama's best silver ones), cotton reels and a checkers counter for the puck.
Teams can contain 1, 2 or more players (5 is the most I've played in but it was a rather large table); each has a teaspoon which he holds with the rounded side downwards on the table the object being to shoot the 'puck' into the opponents goals which are formed from two cotton reels. All the customary hockey rules should apply or one can invent more unusal ones.
Be careful of bruised fingers

strange games. no:23...category: indoor games STUPID GAMES


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

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  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

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