Happy Christmas to all Strange Games readers...and don't forget if you play something truly obscure and odd and would like to share it with the world then send it to Strange Games: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Tights Racing
Happy Christmas to all Strange Games readers...and don't forget if you play something truly obscure and odd and would like to share it with the world then send it to Strange Games: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Rip Off Your Kecks

UK RPS Championships - Report
Lawnmower Throwing
UK Rock Paper Scissors Championships 2010
If you want to brush up on your RPS skills you could do worse than visit the World RPS Society here they detail essential strategies for victory including the 'possible':"Rock is for Rookies because males have a tendency to lead with Rock on their opening throw. It has a lot to do with idea that Rock is perceived as strong and forceful"
The 'surely that's cheating':"Tell your opponent what you are going to throw and then actually throw what you said" and the desperate:"When All Else Fails Go With Paper"
Here at Strange Games we are slightly disappointed that they are not having categories for two of our favourite variations:
Extreme Rock Paper Scissors - If you win with paper you slap your opponent, if you win with scissors you poke them and if you win with a rock you punch them.
RPS 101 - the ultimate in hand game complexity. A total of 101 different hand combinations need to be learned to play. An example hand position is 'baby'. This move will spill 'beer', ruin 'guitar' but unfortunately be unaware of 'satan'. Visit the official 101 RPS site to play the most terrifyingly complex game ever.
Aircraft Carriers
Aircraft Carrier is an almost unbelievably silly and dangerous game that should in no way be encouraged, as playing it will almost certainly result in pain of some sort. However, it is an inspired high concept human simulation game that needs to be known about.
The game is an attempt to simulate the process of landing a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier. In real life, because of the limited length of runway on a carrier, the plane's speed is reduced by the use of a catching wire stretched across the runway. A hook on the base of the jet's tail then catches onto this wire.
To play the human version you will need a long smooth table to take the role of the landing deck, two players with a rope to be the catching wire, one player to be the plane, and two further players to throw him.
The catching players stand either side of the table and stretch the rope over it and a few inches above the surface. Two players then pick up the 'airplane' player by holding an arm and a leg each and swing them and then throw them head first along the table. It is the catching players' role to try and stop the 'airplane' by pulling the rope taut as the 'airplane's' feet pass over it. It is the airplane's job to try and stop his forward motion using his feet and ankles against this rope. Safely landing in the game is a lot less sure than in real life.
World Series of Pong Festival
Andrew writes, "Not a strange game per se but a little different, playing ping pong in bars whilst getting p*ssed and and having dance-off's on top of the tables?"
have fun, compete, and unleash your inner Balls Of Fury
World Crazy Air Squash Championships
Richard writes, "This Undisputed International Worlds Crazy Air Squash Championships took place at 'The Buttons' on Saturday 18th September 2010, with six contenders hoping to be crowned the Global Champion of Crazy Air Squash and take with them the prized silver salver!" The arcade game is basically Air Hockey but with both players shooting from the same side and bouncing the puck off the far wall. The current World Champion is Scott Lancley UK(seen on the left of the accompanying photograph)
A hilarious compendium of weird, wonderful, warped classic and new games.Taken from the brilliant website http://strange-games.blogspot.com/, Montegue Blister's Strange Games is a pocket-sized compendium of the most hilarious, noisy, messy, and often vomit-inducing games ever written.
Finally, the official rules for all the games you played at school as a kid, such as Finger Jousting, Peanuts, Slapsies and Thumb Wrestling. But that's not all! Montegue Blister's Strange Games includes dangerous variations on old classics such as Extreme Rock Paper Scissors, Bloody Knuckles, Shin Kicking and Toe Wrestling, plus a whole host of new, weird and wonderful games like Face Ball, Crazy Stair Climbing, Watermelon Skiing and Mosquito Squashing.
Some games are violent, some are downright savage - and most involve a tiny bit of blood. But one thing's for sure - they're great fun! Montegue Blister's Strange Games is the perfect gift for Christmas and beyond.
Chapters in Strange Games in include:
Hand and feet games; Urban Games; Festivals; Party Games; Trick Games; Playground Games; Throwing & Propulsion; Sports; Stand off Games; Animal Games.
2010 Sherston Mangold Hurl - 3rd October
Mangold /Mangelwurzel Throwing:A traditional Somerset game that requires skill, strength and cunning. Mangold Hurling has a well developed set of rules. Players take it in turns to stand in a pitching basket and hurl a Mangold / Mangelwurzel at a Norman (A Norman being a pre-placed fixed position Mangold) The player that gets his Mangold the closest is declared the winner... it's what you get if you mix boules and strong cider. Mangold Hurling is usually performed during October each year.
Last year's event:
Here is Irene's email with all the details you need - the mass Agincourt event sounds particularly appealing:
One of the West Country's most bizarre events! The Ancient Order of Sherston Mangold Hurlers will hold its annual Hurl on Sunday 3rd October. Jimmy Doherty ('Jimmy's Farm') led his Root Vegetable Acrobatic Display Team to a convincing victory in the 2009 Hurl.
Play starts at 12 noon with an entry charge of £5 per team of three. There will also be a mass Agincourt hurl at approximately 12.37pm. Action takes place at Sherston Village Hall and field (SN16 0LH) with additional entertainment provided by live music, dancing, stalls, bar, BBQ and teas.Free entry and car parking for visitors.
Expect a great deal of extra, unscripted merriment. Those wishing to enter a team should contact the Keeper of the Challenges Mr Paul Ormiston on 01666 840694 Singles competition entry is £1 on the day and there will be a free Children's Hurl.
Cheesey Daddy Cans
Matt writes,"I thought you might like to know

All items carry a 1pt deduction if lying on the table after three attempts ( three attempts per player) A bonus of 20 pts is awarded if there are no items left on the table and knocking the table over is cheating, a re-kick must be enforced."
Matt doesn't say in his e-mail what his day-job is, but if it isn't something related to either game or graphic design I'll eat my hat.
Send your strange games to : montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Doorknobs...a game for the flatulent

Duncan writes, "We used to play Doorknobs in the house we rented as students. A game would kick off whenever someone farted loud enough to be heard by anybody else in the room. When that happened a non-flatulent player could shout the word 'Doorknob'. The person who had let-off then had to rush and touch the doorknob of any door in the room as quickly as possible. And he had to be quick because as soon as the word Doorknob is shouted all other 'players' have the right to punch the offending farter as frequently and as hard as possible. As soon as the farter reaches the sanctity of the doorknob they are safe and the game is over. We also played the rule that the person breaking wind would avoid any painful beating by shouting the word 'Safe'... as long as they shouted it before the shout of 'Doorknob' went out."
If you have any unusual/gross/stupid games you play that might be of interest, then e-mail: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
First International Turf Throwing Festival - Ballaghaderreen 2010
Rory writes, "I made the video as I have relatives in the town and happened to be there with a camera. They plan to make it an annual event and supposedly they have some interest from a few international teams! It was great craic and I hope to go next year a little more prepared and make a proper quality documentary covering the competition."
Aero Golf @ Flambards Theme Park

Most impressive of all though is a marvellous 1/200th size scale model of a aircraft carrier HMS Invincible. However after these 5 magnificent holes the course designers give up and the remaining holes contain

If you are stuck on holiday in Cornwall and don't mind paying £19.50 to get into the park, plus a further quid to rent a putter, then you could do worse than visit (possibly) the UK's most Southerly crazy golf course.

For more information on the wonders of mini golf in the UK visit the main site here, or for crazy golf blogging try out the Ham and Egger Files here.
Top 10 Strange Jousting Games
10. Garden & Household Equipment based Jousting. If you are considering taking up home-based jousting there are probably two main forms to consider: Wheelbarrow Jousting
and Wheelie Bin Jousting.
9. Piggyback Jousting. Piggybacking lends itself to fighting and racing and even a spot of Piggyback Polo, but Piggyback Jousting is possibly the ultimate game for this position.
8. Bicycle Jousting. There are many forms of this dignified jousting. Straightforward Bicycle Jousting to the bizarre Chap Olympiad version (contestants wield rolled up umbrellas and carry shields decorated with pages from the Times).
Then there are Tall Bicycle competitions:
and even Unicycle Jousting.
7. Chair Jousting. The tedium of office life can be instantly relieved with a spot of Office Chair Jousting
6. Heelie Jousting.
5.Motorised Jousting. Available in a wide variety of vehicles from 4 by 4s to LawnMower Jousting,
MiniBike Jousting,
and my own personal favourite Scooter Jousting.
Mods on Vespas with jousting rods! It doesn't get much better than this, except perhaps...
4. Skateboard Jousting. Note the work that has gone into making the capes in this video
3. Finger Jousting, possibly the most dignified of the jousting events, and I'm not just saying that because I am Obscure Sports Media Mogul of the WFJF (World Finger Jousting Federation)
2. Mattress Jousting. A perfect dorm-based alternative.
1. Exercise Ball Jousting. A stupidly, random sport, and possibly more dangerous than the real thing.
Statues...the slapping game

Manuel writes, "All players but one stand in two rows (or sometimes in a circle) with their hands raised, the player that stayed out of this formation is called the statue. This player must pass in between the two rows and get to the opposite side. While he tries to accomplish this everyone that's forming the rows slaps him on the back of the head as hard as they can. The job of the statue is to catch a glimpse of who's going to hit him at any given split second. When he does he switches to the rows and the person caught becomes the statue. The statue must go back and forth in between the rows until he catches someone. Of course there is no evident way to prove what the statue saw and if he's right, and that always leads to some heated disputes." It's as simply brutal as that, just keep slapping the player in the middle and try not to get caught...marvellous!
If you play a game that is as mad as this one, and deserves wider attention, please e-mail Strange Games: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Cucumber Sandwich Discus @ the Chap Olympiad
The video below show the 2008 event.
A superb set of Guardian photographs of 2010's event can be seen here.
News from the crazy world of Crazy Golf

The Crazy Golf Museum’s ‘Curators’ have a vast archive built up over their many years playing the game, and are keen to enhance this with donations to help grow and support the collection in the future. It is worth visiting the site if only for the amazing collection of crazy golf postcards but it also has collections of mini golf badges, history, scorecards and other ephemera.
The Virtual Crazy Golf Museum can be viewed at www.crazygolfmuseum.info
Also visit miniture golfer site & ham and egger files
Robot Soccer

She writes, "Robot Football is my own invention. To play you simply play a normal game of football except everyone, including goalies, must move like a robot. So movement must be as mechanical as possible but most importantly you must not bend your legs at the knees. This makes the game really difficult, the ball is hard to control...its even hard to foul an opponent. To help you get the stiff-legged motion required you can always use a pair of shinpads and instead of positioning them on your shins , strap them onto your knees instead."
If you want to go the whole hog, you can always go for boxwars style outfits like in the picture.
Three Legged Skipping Races - Japanese School Sports Day
Blow Up Doll White Water Rafting
This marvellous sport doesn't really need a description as the name says it all. Buy a blow up doll, find a fast moving river, and then alongside a group of like minded men jump into the water with your doll and race to the finishing line. The video shows this marvellous event in its full glory. What isn't clear though is if there are some positions which are better than others.
Strange Games is indebted to reader Andrew Mortimer for highlighting this sport
Egg Throwing World Championships - 27th June
"Egg Throwing first commenced in Swaton circa 1322, but since the 2005 World Championships inception the sport of egg throwing has grown dramatically and is now being practiced all over the world. The event is hosted by the 16th Swaton Vintage Day." All forms of strange egg activities are held including Russian Egg Roulette. "Ms Opal Upton Brooker of Grantham will instruct presenters how to play Russian Egg Roulette where 5 hard boiled eggs and 1 raw are offered. Each contestant takes it in turn to choose an egg and then smashes it onto their own head. Opal, following years if training, is able (without touching) to detect the raw egg by merely passing her hand over the top of them." But egg roulette is just the start of the mayhem, "Also expected to be featured will be the Static Relay event where a team has to pass eggs one to one along a line in the shortest possible time.Other sports featured at the Egg Championships include the Egg Trebuchet Challenge, The Throw and Catch event and possibly best of all, throwing eggs at a live target:Points are awarded for the area struck. None for face, 1 for arms and legs, 2 for body and 3 for the groin."
For full details see www.eggthrowing.com
Dwile Flonking - curbed by the council

Now the humourless idiots that are in charge at North Norfolk Council have curbed the essential part of the grand pub game Dwile Flonking.
Dwile flonking traditionally involves players using a pole to hurl rags at opponents, then downing beer quickly as a penalty for missing... and it is this drinking of a pint of beer at speed that has upset the councillors so much. A council spokesman said, "It is now against the law to promote 'speed drinking', which is one of the elements of dwile flonking" And so it looks like regular games will have the beer forfeit replaced by one involving downing a soft drink. Pathetic!
A reminder of the rules of this marvellous game:
Resurrected in the late 1960’s Dwile Flonking (or Dwyle Flunking) is an outdoor pub game of dubious origin but startling originality. Centred around the villages of Bungay and Beccles in Suffolk this is a bizarre game made even more unusual by its incredible array of yokel terminology.
The game requires two teams formed of twelve players each. One team forms a circle (called the Girter). A member of the opposing team takes his turn to stand in the middle of the Girter and be the Flonker. The Flonker carries a 2-3 foot long stick (or Driveller) on the end of which is a beer sodden sponge (or dwile). As the Girter members dance around him the Flonker must flonk his dwile using his Driveller to try and hit a member of the Girter. He has two attempts and scores as follows:
Hit on the head (a Wanton) 3 points
Hit on the body (a Marther) 2 points
Hit on the leg (a Ripple) 1 point Miss totally (a Swadger) 0 points, plus the poor Flonker must now, as a forfeit, quickly drink a pint of ale. A process which for some reason has no rustic alternative name in the yokel-lexicon.
Trouser Ferret

Brian writes: Trouser Ferret as well as a euphemism is an odd indoor game that is a home made human version of the game that is sometimes seen at village fetes: Bash the Rat. In that game players attempt to hit with a baseball bat a cuddly rat that is dropped through a drainpipe. In Trouser Ferret players are teamed up in twos. One player wears knee length baggy shorts which have a hole in the lining of one pocket (already this game is sounding odd). With a hand in this pocket the player lets go of the 'ferret' (a sock filled with weights or sand would do) which then falls inside his shorts to appear outside at knee level. It is the job of his teammate to smash the ferret against his friends leg between the knee and the ankle using a stick. No signals can be exchanged between players about when the ferret is to be released and the stick wielding player must hold it at least 30cm away from the leg. After 10 attempts it is another teams turn to wear the ferret shorts and play continues.
Thanks Brian...if you have any games that you think Strange Games readers would like to hear about then email: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Crotch Ball
P Balls

If you play any strange games with your we then contact us: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Aqua Chess

First up is Scuba Chess.
Not that far removed from a normal game of chess except you play with lead weighted pieces and the time to complete the game is limited by the capacity of your air tank.
Then there is Aqua Chess - a more novel approach to the art of sports combining.
Both players stand in the water at one end of a swimming pool with a chess board on the edge. The first player makes their opening move then sets off down the pool. When they are exactly at the other end then their opponent makes a move and sets off swimming too. Player one has now returned to the board and has to make his second move – quickly – because if they are caught in the pool then they lose. Players win either by winning the chess match or by catching up with the other player in the pool. A game both physically and mentally exhausting. It is important that both players should be evenly matched swimmers to make the game as interesting as possible.
Whistle for Your Nipple

Whistle For Your Nipple is a pointless schoolyard torture game that has almost no elements that make up a normal game but one big one that relates to pain. One player/joker stealthily approaches their victim, grasps their nipple through their school shirt and shouts out, “Whistle for you nipple”. The idea, if it can even be called that, is that the victim must put their lips together and whistle and as soon as they manage to do this then the attacker will relent in their vice-like finger grip of their sensitive body part. Obviously it is very hard, if not impossible, to whistle whilst someone is doing this to you (try it now if you don't believe me) and so the game often ends with confusion swiftly followed by a scream of startled pain, and then a fight.
If you've played something more stupid than this then e-mail:montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Jam Sandwiches

Their aim is to create the perfect jam sandwich by hitting (with their stomach and bodies) the 'filling' at exactly the same time. This results in anger, some pain and often a bewildered wilting to the schoolyard floor by the squished 'jam' and occasionally the 'slices of bread'.
Of course the jam player can, if they are quick witted and agile enough, realise what is about to happen and dive out of the way at the very last moment, resulting in the breads smashing headfirst into one another and being toasted.
If you play odd games then contact me: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk and tell me all about it...if you want

Everyone forms a circle with one gun toting player standing alone in the middle. This player spins around, arms extended with an imaginary gun in their hands. Without warning they point this gun at one player in the circle and shout, 'BANG'. On being shot this player rapidly crouches down which means the the two players that are standing on either side of them must raise their own hands in a gun shape and try and shoot (shout BANG) each other first. The player that achieves this first remains in the game, the other player collapses to the floor (dead) and plays no further part in the game. The original player to be targeted also (bizarrely) returns to the game. The player in the centre then begins another round and the game continues until there a winner is found.
Cash Club

All players stand in a circle facing inwards. Players take it in turns to take money (coins, notes...credit cards) out of their pockets and wallets and throw it onto the floor in the middle of the circle. This activity continues until one player can take it no longer and dives into the middle with the aim of grabbing as much as possible. As soon as one player commits themselves then all other players are free to grab, punch and kick and generally persuade them that it might not be such a good idea. Any money the person manages to pocket they can keep and the game continues. Greed and violence with the possibility of monetary gain and the odd bruise...what more do you want of a party game?
Mini Dig / Beetle Bash

The version I saw being played is as follows. Players sit in a car (or bus) and as they travel they keep their eyes open to the cars passing them in either direction on the road outside. The idea is for players to spot certain car types, shout out a determined phrase, and if they do so first then they get the chance to physically punish the other player according to the type of car seen.
So in my version, if you see a Mini car you shout, "Mini Dig" and if shouted out first you can dig your opponent(s) in the ribs. If you see a Volkswagen Beetle then you shout, "Beetle Bash" and then you can bash the other person in a place of your choosing. The highlight in the game though (at least in my local version) is that if you see an old fashioned Volkswagen Beetle you shout out, "Herbie" and can continue striking your opponent until the next qualifying vehicle is seen. Marvellous fun for all.
The variations on this game are legion. One of the most common is the addition of the colour yellow which adds points / punches. So if the mini you spot first is yellow then you can make two digs rather than a solitary blow. One of the most obscure is extra punches for bald-headed drivers. I particularly admire the following rule found on the Facebook group devoted to the game:"Also one of the rules should be that you can only call a yellow car whilst in another form of transport. Me and my friends added this rule after kicking the shit out of each other in a carpark"
Eggy Golf

'We play a game called Eggy Golf, an indoor game that is stupid, random and has lots of cleaning up to do afterwards...what more do you want from an indoor game? To play each player will need a golf putter and a fresh (unboiled) egg. A course is created in the carpetted living room - this can be simply a starting line and a finishing point with the inbetween space being as obstacle-filled as you like. Each player must try and get their egg to the finishing position in the fewest strokes possible. Obviously, the egg is the problem in this game with its ovoid shape making direction of roll a major issue...the other being that if you hit it too hard it will break and you are going to automatically lose that round and have a messy carpet to clean up. We have found that the game is extremely difficult with a 'raw' golf club so each placer is allowed to wind a couple of cushioning elastic bands around the club head. Even then games are exciting nervous affairs and it is often the ultra-cautious player that wins."
If you are like 'Stiffy' Johns and get up to unusual things in the privacy of your living room that are game related we would love to hear from you. E-mail: montegue_blister@hotmail.co.uk
Mini Golf / Crazy Golf
Mini Golf is the game that used to be known as Crazy Golf (its name being changed possibly to avoid offence to putter wielding madmen everywhere) and is the often-found-at-the seaside game beloved by everyone who enjoys putting golf balls through windmills and drain pipes, up ramps and down slopes and between the cardboard cutout legs of Jade Goody (I may have imagined that last one)
Anyway I implore you to get involved in the diminutive and ever so slightly deranged world of Mini golf by visiting the event in Birmingham.
Key Mini golf sites to visit:
Richard Gottfried's Ham & Egger Blog British Minigolf Association World Minigolf Federation European Minigolf Federation Miniature golfer.com Top 10 UK minigolf courses
Note: Previous strange golf games covered in Strange Games:
Lemon Golf hillbilly golf zombie 3 legged frisbee golf
Spikeball 3 on 3
Bear, Hunter, Princess

Also of interest is the use of the game in an advert for Fed Ex. Here the game has been transformed slightly with the Princess being changed to Ninja, making it more politically correct and actually more fun.
Bear Hunter Princess Facebook Group
The ultimate version of RPS is RPS 101 with 101 possible hand positions:RPS 101 on Strange Games