Germany's contribution to the world of odd games and sports is truly bizarre. Hockern (German for 'stools') is

Another cool trick is to have a friend slide the stool along the floor towards you for you to sit down hard upon it as it reaches you. And it's not just a solo sport. There are synchronised group events too that have to be seen to be believed. The superstars of this new sport are known as Hockstars and regular competitions are held in the nightclubs of Germany including the prestigious Hocktoberfest.
Now is the time to grab your stool and live the dream because Hockern will surely be a demonstration sport, probably sponsored by Ikea, in the next Olympic Games.
official Hockern site (in German)
video of Hockern #1
video of Hockern #2
Addendum: Hockern-meisters Ben Denn and Orc von Rumaenien (crazy names, crazy guys) from have been in touch with Strange Games to say that the stools used in Hockern are not actually German milking stools. This is just an urban legend started by a German newspaper - rather the stools used are retro 70's style ones. They also point out that the next Hockern Championships will be held on October 25th in Kiel...clear your diaries for that date.
In New Jersey, they use toilets.
sounds awesome!!!
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